Studio Lately

These last months have been an ocean of large swells. Highs and lows ridden on a raft of hope. The world is heavy and we all see so much now. Remembering to “do what I can” and acknowledge what is out of my control, returning to the present moment and holding that mast, has helped me from slipping below the waves. When overwhelmed, I hope you have been able to ground into the present moment as well.

In the quiet of the studio, I have been painting large and drawing small, sculpting cool clay and trying to resist taking out of the kiln too hot. I find it interesting that at this time of year, as the earth around me is preparing to hunker down for winter, I consistently find my creative energy building. Sometimes I feel like a squirrel running here and there, tending to all the artistic nourishment I’ll need in the cold months to come.

I am grateful to have had Toren Reaves of KESA DESIGN in to the studio to share his talent and capture my creative process through his lens. The images he created (shared here) truly captured the feel in studio and Toren’s style'; Vibrant, playful and just the right amount of moody.

As I prepare to move studios at the end of January, it was bittersweet to catch some of the final creations in progress in the space. It has been a year of challenges, learning and expansion, and Toren’s photos capture the focus and light I am bringing with me into the coming year.

Photography by Toren Reaves, KESA @kesa_design


Connecting with Your Goddess