Putting Worry In Its Place

W + I Journal Entry 9.29 by Andrea Durfee

Containing, Naming and Transforming

This week’s art practice was all about identifying sources of anxiety and comfort.

I began by drawing three circles across my sketchbook page. I used a cup or whatever circular objects were nearby. You may wish to use three different size circles.

Within the circles I painted/drew the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of the word “worry”.

Then, I painted/drew the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of the word “comfort”.
*I took way longer than my usual 8-10 minutes on this page, so if you have the time by all means sink into it. But, if you’re crunched for time, keep it short and sweet or spread it out over multiple practices.

After completing the artwork, I created a written response/poem by naming the three circles first and what brings me comfort last:

“the planets orbit
storms roll over distant mountains
the paint peels from the boards
and I nestle into creation
and breath in its light”

As I read my poem, I pictured the circles in various forms; As slides studied under a microscope, as if far off through a telescope, and as bubbles drifting away through the air. I found this to take the worry’s power away, as I began to control how I perceived and played with it.

The final lines of the poem become my anchoring phrase of the day or week. For me, “I nestle into creation and breath in its light”, will carry through. Creation can be cooking a meal, making a bed, connecting through conversation, and so much in between. I will try to remain mindful of taking in the light that lives in all these small moments.

As always, thank you for being here with me! If you’ve enjoyed the read, you can subscribe to the blog here and receive updates when new posts arrive.

W + I Journal Entry 9.29 by Andrea Durfee

If You Need Deeper Support…

Please know that this is a wellness practice and is not a substitute for therapy. If you are in need of support, please visit the Art Therapy Credentials Board to find a credentialed art therapist, or Psychology Today for a licensed therapist.


Connecting with Your Goddess


Art + Journaling